The South Bend Group Violence Intervention (SBGVI) unites community leaders around a common goal: to stop gun violence and keep South Bend’s highest risk citizens alive and out of prison. SBGVI is a partnership among 30 community leaders from law enforcement, government, education, civil service, health-care and faith-based agencies. Based on a proven model developed by David M. Kennedy, director of the National Network for Safe Communities at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, SBGVI advocates direct, sustained engagement with the street groups that cause the majority of South Bend’s gun violence. The strategy empowers community members to set clear moral standards against violence in their communities and reclaim a voice in the future of the community. It coordinates the efforts of local, state and federal law enforcement to focus crime prevention efforts on the groups most associated with gun violence. SBGVI also draws on the expertise of social service providers to offer group members a path away from violence.
The purpose of SBGVI is to reduce violence and to stop the killing. Research finds that most homicides and shootings are committed by members of highly active street groups—these groups are gangs, drug crews, and the like. All gangs are groups, but not all groups are gangs.
According to the National Network for Safe Communities, an exclusive focus on gangs, which is often understood to include notions like organization and leadership, will exclude a significant number of groups that contribute heavily to serious violence, such as loosely affiliated neighborhood drug crews. Many high-rate offenders associate in loosely affiliated groups, and these groups drive serious violence. Such groups may or may not have a name, common symbols, signs or tags, an identifiable hierarchy, or other common identifiers.
South Bend is committed to using a proven approach to addressing group-related violence. This approach has been implemented in dozens of cities across the U.S. and has demonstrated that violence can be dramatically reduced when community members and law enforcement join together to engage directly with groups committing violence and clearly communicate:
According to the National Network of Safe Communities, the key moment in the strategy is a “call-in”—a face-to-face meeting between SBGVI partners and members of groups. At call-ins, the partners deliver key messages to group members:
Access a free, comprehensive guide to the National Network's Group Violence Intervention strategy here. This guide covers all relevant steps to the strategy from initial planning and problem analysis to enforcement actions and call-in implementation. It considers issues of maintenance, integrity, sustainability, and accountability to offer interested parties a step-by-step guide to successfully implementing GVI in any jurisdiction.
SBGVI is administered by working group members, a stable core of representatives from law enforcement, the community, and social services, who meet regularly and coordinate the actions of their respective operational teams. The group includes community members and representatives of organizations including:
The South Bend Police Department has increased its efforts to address and correct issues that arise as a result of chronic problem properties. The goal is to improve the quality of life for all residents of South Bend. Below is a brief history of the City and SBPD’s efforts, resources, and contact information.
From April to June of 2013, there were 266 properties for which five or more calls were sent to the police. On June 10, 2013, the South Bend Common Council voted 8-1 to approve a chronic property ordinance to address this problem.
The Chronic Problem Property ordinance went into effect on October 15, 2013. It allows the City to fine property owners for each call above the limits established in the ordinance—5 calls within a 60-day period for a property with 50 or fewer units and 12 calls in a 90-day period for a property with 51 or more units. The fine is $250 for each call above the limit. Warning letters and remediation programs were put into place to assist owners in adapting to the new legislation and addressing issues at their properties.
The Common Council has recently revisited an important aspect of chronic problem properties—property ownership. On Monday, May 9, 2016, the Common Council approved an ordinance to establish a landlord registry within South Bend. As part the registry, landlords have to provide the City contact information annually, so the City can have an updated database of rental property ownership.
View the ordinance
Contact Code Enforcement at (574) 235-9486 or SBPD at (574) 235-9201.